Students Step Up Join the Cryptocurrency Movement

As the unsettling asset genre has found the support of the community in the shape of investment, a surge in student number financing in digital currency is noted by crypto exchanges.

According to information from top exchanges students within the age group of 18-20 years account for approximately 15 to 20 percent of all the clients.

when compared with the last year or even a few quarters back data, there is a huge increase between 400 to 500 percent in student traders for cryptocurrencies.

Among those students who are spending on virtual currency, nearly 30 percent of students having engineering or technological backgrounds. While 20 percent belongs to fashion and related programs, and approximately 10 percent are students of art, media, and entertainment, indicated by data from top exchanges.

Over the last two months, after everyone`s attention was caught by a global rally in cryptocurrency, sudden events of buying of virtual currency appeared to have taken place

Shivam Thakral, CEO of a cryptocurrency exchange called BuyUcoin told that they have witnessed a surge of 480.78 percent in buying of crypto coins by students and with a percentage of 18.2 from female investors. Along with that, while the average age of traders went down, the investment has gone up.

“Over 190,000 BuyUcoin clients belong to the similar age class with a share of 11.7 percent in crypto assets,” stated Mr. Thakral.

Industry chasers say that the young investors are changing the dynamics of trading like the approach they invest, how they invest, and in which commodities they use money.

emerging investors are not only buying Bitcoin but also putting their money in other cryptocurrencies which seem to be a hedging strategy of theirs.
As schemes like systematic investment plans are offered by exchange ventures, most college students and other youth could also find it interesting to invest in digital assets.

The creator and CEO of an online banking platform to manage order and cryptocurrency, Mr. Kumar Gaurav spoked that India got the 3rd rank in the world for crypto acceptances following the sum of crypto users reached from around five million to up to 15 million last year. 

Despite regulatory uncertainty and hitches on the payments border, student traders are gathering to the exchanges. As a result, money is tracking the exchanges.

On 13th of October, Bitcoin was traded at $ 57,000 at the same time as Ethereum was exchanged at $3,250.

India is reflecting a global trend of investors grouping towards the crypto monies, said industry pursuers.
“In the minor decline past month, investments related to crypto observed witness inflows owing to the rising worldwide recognition of crypto holdings. India and adjoining territories are the primary drivers of growth of the crypto market in Southeast Asia and will maintain their control since having the large digit of effective crypto investors in the zone,” CEO,, Jay Hao commented.