On the list of cryptocurrencies demonstrating worst performances, Spaceship War (SPW) currently ranks on top. The data shows that in the past 24-hours, the price for Spaceship War has plunged by 38.65%. The plunge has caused the price of Spaceship War to come down to $0.0242 per SPW.
In the past 24-hours, the trading volume that Spaceship War has achieved is worth $236,927. The trading volume for Spaceship War has surged by 42.84% in the past 24-hours. The fully diluted valuation for Spaceship War is $2,152,842. Spaceship War currently ranks as the 3714th largest cryptocurrency in the entire crypto-verse.
The cryptocurrency coming after Spaceship War on the list is OREO (ORE). The data shows that in the past 24-hours, the price for OREO has plunged by 38.57%. The plunge has caused the price of OREO to come down to $0.0000005662 per ORE.
In the past 24-hours, the trading volume that OREO has achieved is worth $71,289. The trading volume for OREO has plummeted by 34.33% in the past 24-hours. The fully diluted valuation for OREO is $297. OREO currently ranks as the 2795th largest cryptocurrency in the entire crypto-verse.
The cryptocurrency coming after OREO on the list is TIPINU (TIPINU). The data shows that in the past 24-hours, the price for TIPINU has plunged by 38.42%. The plunge has caused the price of TIPINU to come down to $0.002194 per TIPINU.
In the past 24-hours, the trading volume that TIPINU has achieved is worth $148,370. The trading volume for TIPINU has surged by 6159.16% in the past 24-hours. The fully diluted valuation for TIPINU is $22,153,091. TIPINU currently ranks as the 4055th largest cryptocurrency in the entire crypto-verse.
The cryptocurrency coming after TIPINU on the list is Ruff (RUFF). The data shows that in the past 24-hours, the price for Ruff has plunged by 37.06%. The plunge has caused the price of Ruff to come down to $0.002432 per RUFF.
In the past 24-hours, the trading volume that Ruff has achieved is worth $308,729. The trading volume for Ruff has surged by 100.75% in the past 24-hours. The fully diluted valuation for Ruff is 5,033,812. Ruff currently ranks as the 1564th largest cryptocurrency in the entire crypto-verse.
The cryptocurrency coming after Ruff on the list is Seeder Finance (LEAF). The data shows that in the past 24-hours, the price for Seeder Finance has plunged by 34.06%. The plunge has caused the price of Seeder Finance to come down to $0.01246 per LEAF.
In the past 24-hours, the trading volume that Seeder Finance has achieved is worth $50,759. The trading volume for Seeder Finance has surged by 43.22% in the past 24-hours. The fully diluted valuation for Seeder Finance is 1,235,961. Seeder Finance currently ranks as the 4482nd largest cryptocurrency in the entire crypto-verse.