Japanese Gaming Giant Sega To Introduce First Blockchain Game

One of the largest gaming companies in Japan, Sega has announced that it is collaborating with another Japanese development company called Double Jump Tokyo to launch its first blockchain game.

Based on the Sangokushi Taisen franchise of Sega, the game will use a Japanese project focused on scaling called Oasys for supporting its blockchain elements.

First blockchain game

The Sangokushi Taisen franchise is one of the popular arcade games played in Japan and Sega is planning to use this for building its first blockchain-based game.

The development of the project will be the responsibility of Double Jump Tokyo, which is also a gaming company in the country.

There are a series of strategy games that are included in the Sangokushi Taisen franchise, which allow its users to take advantage of virtual cards during the game.

The structure of the game is such that it comprises of blockchain elements, such as the trading feature of the virtual cards and the tokenization of some of the games.

But, neither of the two companies has disclosed how they plan on using these blockchain elements and including them in the game mechanics.

Sega has not yet announced a potential release date for the game, but it is not working on any similar project either.

Oasys Blockchain

The announcement from Double Jump Tokyo disclosed that they would use the Japanese gaming project called Oasys for developing the blockchain aspect of the game.

This is a blockchain initiative, which has been designed to be scalable enough for supporting a large number of concurrent players that use its services.

The company wants to use this release and several others for entering the AAA gaming circle. Crypto companies as well as traditional gaming companies have lent their support to the Oasys initiative.

These include some prominent names, such as Jump Crypto, Square Enix, Sega, and Bandai Namco.

In fact, Square Enix has become one of the validators of the blockchain and is exploring the possibility of using this tech to introduce its own blockchain game.

Sega’s stance

When it comes to blockchain games and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Sega has had a rather ambiguous stance.

The company said back in January that they could decide to not use these technologies in their games if their customers regard it as a money grab.

But, Sega had hinted more recently in April that they could launch NFTs as well as metaverse elements because of their ‘Super Game’ development strategy.

There are other gaming companies that have adopted a clear stance in this regard, such as Ubisoft, which is introducing its own NFT market.

A number of leading franchises have also included NFT elements in their respective games. Likewise, Square Enix has also announced that it would incorporate blockchain in its future business plan.

The use of blockchain tech and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the gaming world has surged significantly in the last year or so and with the popularity of the metaverse, it is expected to go higher.