Fees Updated by Axie Infinity Due to Token Price Surge

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As per the latest reports, an announcement has been made by Axie Infinity, one of the most famous gaming platforms based on the blockchain network. The gaming platform has made an announcement in regards to the revised fees for in-game breeding. Axie Infinity officials have announced that the breeding fees will be given a reduction.

The game developer has announced that the major reason behind reducing the fees is the concerns raised by many players. According to officials, the players raised concerns over the issuance of the tokens on the platform, calling it imbalanced.

The players have complained mainly about the Smooth Love Potion (SLP) tokens’ supply. Due to several complaints being raised by the users, the developers of the Axie Infinity game had to come up with a solution. Therefore, they have gone ahead updating the fee structure of the game to make it balanced.

The team at Axie Infinity has revealed that as a result of the imbalance being caused on the platform, the growth of the game has been hindered tremendously. Due to the imbalance, the mint rate of the SLP is becoming much less than the burn rate of the SLP token per day.

According to the game players, there is too much volatility with the governance token of the game, AXS. This is the reason why a lot of fluctuation and highs/lows are being experienced for the breeding fees. Furthermore, the price of AXS is also experiencing a tremendous rise.

While playing the Axie Infinity game, the players have the opportunity of earning SLP tokens. The players can acquire AXS by converting their experience points from the game into the governance token. While playing the game, the players are also required to pay for the breeding fees in the form of AXS tokens.

The players can also use the AXS tokens in order to pay for the game fees as well as vote for the introduction of any new system or policy for the game. These are all the utilities that the AXS tokens are able to offer the users while playing the game.

The firm has announced that after updating the fee structure, the fees that the users will be paying for breeding would be reduced to 1 AXS. In the past, the users were reportedly being charged 2 AXS for any kind of transactions that the users had to make while playing the game.

On the other hand, the cost of the tokens for Smooth Love Potion will be increased. This has been confirmed in the new fee breakdown that the game development team has introduced. With this move, the developers have made an attempt of balancing the token system within the game.