Polinate a new crowdfunding platform that has attracted the public interest recently announced that the platform is considering Gate.io listing. Pollinate Alpha the technology lovers platform has recently told the public that listing on Gate.io is very much on the cards for the platform.
However, some technology experts said that this listing could change the dynamics for the company’s future, listing on Gate.io can not only strengthen its token price, but it can also establish the Pollinate Alpha as the top dog in the crypto market. It would also strengthen the company’s acceptability in the crypto community. With the strong future vision and plan to remain consumer-centric, this could be the first of many listings for the $POLI token.
Azeem Khan the CEO of Pollinate Alpha opened up on the listing:
“The joy of get a listing is paramount. Getting closer to the listings in an extremely shorter period of time is a luxury very have in this sector. The company’s vision and mission to help creators and this is a massive breakthrough in terms of achieving the goal. “
Pollinate Crowdfunding raises capital for new projects worldwide. However, the platform uses the internet and other sources to gain public interest. With the power of the internet and social media, the creators can reach out the investors all across the globe and any region of the country.
However, as the result of the recent government policies the amount being raised for the new ventures is pretty limited and creators can also have access to the limited pool of investors. That’s where a company like Polinate comes handy.
Polinate can ease of the government regulations by providing access to a large pool of investors, as the result, the new startups can raise large venture capitals. Rather than raising higher amount of money from few investors, Polinate offers the option to raise rather a smaller chunk of money from large number of investors.
Despite the fact that crowdfunding is one of the most popular methods of raising capital while using technology. But it is hard for new ventures fulfill the requirements of middle parties, for example, Patreon asks for almost 12% return on profit, which is extremely hard for the new ventures to pay.
That’s where Polinate comes in handy. Polinate aims to offer complete creative freedom by maintaining the low barrier to entry for the newcomers. The launch of $Poli token would drive the newcomers and those investors holding it will gain significant benefits. Apart from that, Polinate also announced that the company is looking forward to joining hands with some of the market’s heavyweights such as Terra Virtua, Polygon, DAFI Protocol, Polkalokr and Art Wallet.